My blogging schedule and one of many posts about HMC's workload

So my new plan for this blog is to try to post something about 6 times a week, with one of those posts being longer and elaborating on a particular topic. The other posts will be short and sweet. My intent is to meet my goal of catching things that "slip through the cracks," as I've stated before.

Woooo! We'll start with a short one:

So I'm working on my Math 63 (Linear Algebra II) homework right now. I'm a little stuck which has been frustrating, especially because I usually find my LinAl homework to be challenging but very doable. It kind of got to me a few hours ago, when I was getting a little angry about it. I had dinner at the dining hall with cool people though so that lifted my spirits.

Transitioning to Harvey Mudd can be weird because you will inevitably have trouble with technical courses. When I was in high school, I really looked forward to all my math and science classes because I liked them AND because the homework was really easy for me. At Harvey Mudd, it's not rare to find that the technical stuff is really the hardest stuff you'll face on any given night of homework. At times, it will create an extremely defeating feeling (Being the best at something -> Being the worst at something = T_T). In high school, I think I built up a sense of security and comfort through the math and science classes I was good at. Well, Harvey Mudd definitely tore those barriers down and showed me what it was like to be bad at math, science, and engineering classes. Bleh.

Don't worry though, there are many resources out there to help you when this happens. Academic Excellence tutors (special upperclassmen who help with core curriculum classes), regular tutors, your peers, and accessible profs (professors). You'll be fine ;)

... that was a longer post than I expected haha.


Korean Hope Church said...

so reading this post reminds me... or rather makes me wonder

are you on block schedule? like where you have half of your classes on one day and the other half the next day or something like that... i heard that's what you do in college.

then if so. you have 2 days to work on your hw?

and if not. is it hard to manage time?
because i'm not very good at that ):

M.C. Ho said...

Classes meet 3 or less times a week. It can vary but most classes either meet M/W/F or T/Th.

I'll put up what my schedule looks like. Oh btw, poor time management = bad news bears. Luckily, if you can adapt, HMC teaches you how to manage your time reasonable well (at least way better than you probably do in high school).

I'll put up my schedule right now for you to see.