
Yes! Now you can enjoy my blog with minimal reading!

It was two of my friends' birthdays so a group of us went out to eat at a Mongolian BBQ place for dinner on a Saturday:

birthday 1 birthday 2

Hah! Look at Rishad's face:
birthday 3

Last Wednesday, it was Prof. Schaffer's birthday. He's one of my fav. professors so my friend Jessica and I had to do something for him (hehehe):
schaffer schaffer 2
schaffer 2 (2) schaffer 2 (3)
schaffer 2 (1)

We also made him wear a sash ahhaahahahah. I was eating lunch with him that day:
schaffer 2 (4)

In my continuum mechanics class, Professor Bassman was up to her usual antics and passed around cups filled with corn starch and water for people to play with. It's an example of a dilatant, non-newtonian fluid (its viscosity is really big with a high shear strain rate, low with a low shear strain rate). Scott Butters had a little too much fun:
Corn Starch 1 Corn Starch 2


LoyolaUnite said...

I think you're quite familiar with some other dilatant, non-newtonian fluids.